Sunblight Fortress Part II
The duergar warlock Xardorok Sunblight has slipped into a hopeless fervor, according to Olpha Muzgardt. He has gone to obsess over his chardalyn creation. With the Muzgardt crew hiding bloodied bodies to buy the party time, the heroes tread towards the forge level. As they await the east elevator, the upper floor's ice gate clamors open and the chardalyn dragon enters, roaring down the fortress's central shaft. Descending below, they encounter a red-eyed duergar in a temple of Deep Duerra. The priest reveals himself to be a devil servant of the Lord of the Nine Hells. Circling through hidden passages to scout the best approach to the forge itself, our heroes rely on brawn and shadow to work their way through the stone halls. We leave off with their looting of Sunblight's treasure room.

Sunblight Fortress: Towards the Forge


Total XP: 16301


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