Sunblight Fortress Part I
Our heroes enter Sunblight Fortress's smoke laden halls, stealthily moving from the throne room to the command level with the aid of Muzgardt-aligned duergar. Azgul and Tetro suffer independent psychic episodes in their exploring: Azgul listening to the calculated, simmering rage of Levistus and Tetro feeling the brain-splitting agony of a nearby lifeform. They learn that Sunblight's army is positioned to strike Ten Towns in two days, prompting them to send a message of warning to Captain Imdra Arlaggath in Easthaven. Finding Xardorok's War Room, the party uncovers the flight path of the chardalyn dragon. Gadget manages to scramble the chardalyn dragon's route, securing Ten Towns several more hours in case it falls under siege. Fern loots Xardorok's bedside chest, gleeful but cautious. Their stealth turns into bloodshed as they stumble into a patrol and skirmish in the dining halls, reuniting with Olpha Muzgardt.

Note: I haven't edited this one, so pardon the writing below.

Sunblight Fortress: Throne Room to Command Level


Total XP: 15301


33 · Chronicles · 35

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