Easthaven, soon to be Feasthaven.
The party returned to Easthaven with a magical cauldron and tried to strike a deal with Bartaban of the White Lady Inn before opting to negotiate at the Easthaven Town Hall. There, they split up to perform various tasks, including meeting Captain Imdra Arlaggath for a reward and inspecting a chardalyn figurehead with dark powers. At night, they discussed magical mysteries with Vellynne Harpell and considered a new quest to interrogate a wizard prisoner. The next morning, turmoil struck: the chardalyn figurehead was destroyed amidst an attack involving invisible assailants, leading to the imprisonment of guards and Prudence's suspected betrayal. The party discovered glowing speckles from the chardalyn but lost the trail near the waterfront, leaving the incident shrouded in mystery.
Returning to Easthaven
#CauldronCaperTetro dragged the cauldron back to Easthaven. Along the way, the party encountered a band of Goliath warriors. They kept their distance, and the surly lot seemed disinterested in them as they headed into town.
#CauldronCaper At the White Lady Inn, Hazel began prying the proprietor Bartaban about whether he'd be interested in a magical cauldron. The overly eager Bart, almost salivating at a chance to create ceaseless soup for his tavern, was eventually dismayed as the party decided to gauge the value of the vat elsewhere. Eventually this led them to the Easthaven Town Hall.
#CauldronCaper At the Easthaven Town Hall, a large three story building with several guards and attendants that serves as both political offices and a community center for the city, the party split into two groups. Tetro, Hazel, and Oona chewed the chud with the town guards in the reception hall while watching the cauldron. Azgul, Crank, and Fern headed into the administrative office where a young, nervous clerk named Prudence waited on them. They asked to see Captain Imdra Arlaggath regarding the missing fishermen bounty.
#CauldronCaper In the rear atrium of the Easthaven Town Hall stood a tall demonic figurehead of a ship. Prudence urged party members not to touch it, as Speaker Danneth Waylen had instructed. The figurehead was made of black ice, known as Chardalyn, which was known for absorbing magical properties. Much of the cahrdalyn in the region was known to be tainted. This particular figurehead had been hauled up a month ago by adventurers scouting a shipwreck at Lac Dinneshere. A strange presence fell on the party, and Fern saw the White Lady strapped to the figurehead.
#CauldronCaperPrudence led the party members into the basement in the city jail. Crank noted a dour, red-haired Shandar Froth in one of the cells. In the jailer's room, the party met with Imdra Arlaggath. In return for the finding the fates of the Bunch of Knuckleheads fishermen, Imdra presented the party with a choice of a reward: a Grey Bag of Tricks or a Well-Triggered Scroll of Fireball.Azgul chose the latter.
#CauldronCaper The party intrigued Captain Arlaggath to take a look at the cauldron. She, in turn, notified Speaker Waylen. The dry, tired, but direct politician was happy to trade. He offered six gemstones, appraised at roughly 500 gp a piece, which he would retrieve to complete the trade in the morning. He offered to watch over the cauldron, and the party obliged him, asking for it to be locked in a free cell.
#TheForgottenRealm#Prisoner237 That night the party took to some downtime at the White Lady Inn, Crank gambled, Oona armwreslted, and the crew chatted up the locals. Vellynne Harpell, who had been staying in Easthaven was present. She humored the party's questions regarding the Arcane Brotherhood, Chardalyn, and Netherese magics. In short, she was investigating the presence of a lost Netherese city and wanted to beat her colleagues to the find. She had one lead that she shared: A disgraced member of the Arcane Brotherhood and prisoner at Revel's End, the wizard named Vaelish Gant. Vellynne was willing to hire the party to extract information from Vaelish, given that she herself was not welcomed at the prison.
#ChardalynCaper In the morning, the party showed up to a desolate Town Hall. The chardalyn figurehead was shattered and the bulk of it had been removed from the premises. There were signs of a struggle. Hearing shouts from the basement, the party found the jailers and guards shoved into the cells alongside some new ruffians! The guards, freed by the party, explained that the ruffians attacked them. As they were fighting the thugs, both friend and foe were knocked out cold by invisible combatants. One guard also saw Prudence with the first set of vandals, whispering something to one of them before fleeing the scene.
#ChardalynCaper Looking for clues, Fern cast detect magic on the remnants of the chardalyn figurehead, which hummed with a dark aura of enchantment, and Azgul sought tracks. The party noted that chardalyn speckles were glowing in a band of several stout humanoid footprints, hurrying about the figurehead statue before taking flight to the west of town hall. The party followed the tracks before losing sight of them near the waterfront.
Easthaven Promissory Note: 6 x 500 gp gemstones. ~ Given by Danneth Waylen to the party.
3 Vials of Sea Hag blood ~ Extracted by Fern in the Cauldron Caves.
Potion of Horrific Appearance
Crafted from: A Vial of Sea Hag blood
When poured over a humanoid that is of size medium or smaller, a magical illusion washes over them, making them look like an ugly creature of vaguely humanoid proportions. This illusion lasts for one hour. A creature can use an action to visually inspect the illusion and succeed on a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check to discern that the humanoid is disguised.