
Session Battle Description
42 #battle #ReghedTribes #Oyaminartok Onwards to Solstice Isle. Three sled teams head out towards Angajuk's Bell, the party's two sleds and that of Vellynne Harpell. Six hours into their journey, they were ambushed by grimacing husks of Tribe of the Elk warriors, all perverted by the influence of black ice. One carried a censer with a blue flame, and each laughed as their destroyed bodies endured seemingly forever. Worse, though, was the presence of Oyaminartok, a folklore beast of the tundra. Skewers of chardalyn jut out from her chest as she lunged at Oona. Fending off the goliath werebear, Oona saw not a beast, but someone she knew too well. Oya was her adoptive mother, who found and reared her when she was discarded as a child. Unable to reach the Oya she knew, our hero knew it was best to put her mother down. Soon after, the heroes snuffed out the chardalyn berserkers, quite literally, as when Gadget catapulted the blue flame censer into a tree, the battered bodies fell lifelessly.
41 #battle #Kulduhar Back in the cold of the Spine of the World, the visibility was terrible as the party crested a precipitous cliff side where the Yuan Ti ruins were located. Here they fought a growling yeti who sniffed them out in the snowblind mists, and they cut through an array of vine blights, which they determined were caused by glowing blue crystalline growths embedded in the roots of the Great Oak.
41 #battle #Kulduhar Tetro found a steep slide of a passageway into the depths of the caverns, while Fern investigated an illusory wall hiding a descending staircase. The shelled tortle hurtled down the slide with a push from Crank. Fern focused through Jarnathan the rat to head down the stairs. Oona and Gadget were the first to respond as the vine blights re-emerged, both in the current room and in the depths below where Tetro stood surrounded. It turned out that the blue crystals were regenerating the monsters. Adding to the dangers, stalactites and icicles masked the presence of piercers, or roper offspring, which dropped from the ceilings. When the fighting ceased and the party reconvened below, a half-eaten frozen explorer was looted to find a rope of climbing.
41 #battle #Kulduhar The lowest level of the cavern housed the crumbling remains of a Yuan Ti structure. Up its stairs a pulsing blue portal flooded the room with glacial light. The icy expanse they saw was the Frostfell, the Plane of Ice. Interacting with this rift was an ornate metallic box, energy seeping between it and the portal. Crank rushed past a hoard of enemies and went to shut the box, but the cold seered his hands, the box refusing to move. Before the party could properly deal with this phylactery, the frost salamander, roper, and vine blights in the room had to be slain.
40 #battle #Kulduhar As the heroes investigated the Heartstone Gem, an awakened badger appeared at the opening of the Great Oak's trunk. It was a distraction, taking their eyes off a small spider creeping towards the gem on the pedestal. After all, there were cobwebs about inside the Great Oak. Suddenly a fog cloud enveloped the area. A crack was heard and Gadget noted a small owlbear figurine at her feet, now cleft in half with its magic released. The party fought a trio of snowy owlbear in the dark as they heard another critter burrowing out the rear of the trunk. This was a badger. The party rallied and Azgul managed to hold monster as Crank swiftly ran around the rooty perimeter towards the beast. Snow was falling outside and druids began screaming in panic. The team managed to unmask the wild-shaped culprit, a seething Eirys who damned them all.
39 #battle #Kulduhar The party left with a caravan of a hundred refugees to Kuldahar. On the fourth day, guiding people through the ravines and foothills of the Spine of the World, they realized they were literally on thin ice. Moving carefully to prevent cracking and soaking in icy waters, they took their time. Problems arose when two coldlight walkers and a pair of crag cats attacked from the cliffs on either flank. The treacherous terrain made for a difficult fight, several Dalefolk not making it. Still they pushed on. The valley of Kuldahar was not much further ahead.
37 #battle #DestructionsLight With cries for arms, the tumult turned to terror, as cries of battle rang out. Oona, Crank, and Azgul rushed to the watch tower, only to see a knifed Imdra Arlaggath fall from the tower. Across the city, the duergar assault had begun. By the time our heroes felled the fire lance wielding duergar xarrorn, Captain Arlaggath had died. With the dust of the ground battle settling in their vicinity, shouts of fear arose. The Chardalyn Dragon was approaching and fast. Fern and Gadget prepared a ballista for a clean shot, entrusting the stalwart Tetro to its aim as the pair ran for cover. Soon, the skies flashed alight, dragon's breath rending the southeastern expanse of Easthaven in a radiant beam. Ballista shots pierced the dragon's armor but did not pin the behemoth to the ground. It took off for the eastern districts, toppling a structure in the distance.
37 #battle #DestructionsLight Our heroes rallied their wounded and reloaded the ballistae, picking off the remaining duergar stragglers who were fleeing past now burning buildings. Finn the puffin homunculus was notably back with a vengeance. Casting Fly, Azgul spotted the Chardalyn Dragon attacking a dockside fortification. Two Eldritch Blasts later and the chase was on. No match for the dragon's speed, Azgul was whipped hard enough to lose control over his spell, falling through a rooftop below. The ruse was effective, however. Entering range of the party's bolt shooters, another ballistae round cracked into the dragon. Landing in front of Vellynne Harpell, her cast of Bigby's Hand proved its might, grappling the beast by the throat.
36 #battle #ADuergarPlot #DestructionsLight Our heroes stormed Home | Calendar | Characters | 36 · Chronicles · 38 | Loot | Quests | XPthe forge through every possible avenue. Crank jumped into the pit and rushed for Xardorok Sunblight, Azgul and Tetro fired spells from the cleared guard towers, Fern masked their casters with darkness, Gadget led the vanguard of Muzgardt duergar, and Oona flanked the quaggoth warriors through the Temple of Deep Duerra. An enemy forewoman rushed to the Chardalyn Dragon's iron service platform but was enwebbed and died in flames. Xardorok, briefly stunned by the bugbear monk, went invisible and began monologuing to the interloping heroes about his imminent victory. As the party lost sight of him, they cut through several more quaggoth until they heard the click of a lever. Through the hiss of steam, the dragon spoke NEW DATE. TONIGHT IS THE FEAST OF THE MOON. PREPARING SYSTEMS FOR ANNIHILATION. Xardorok had reset his dragon to attack this evening, though the true Feast of the Moon lie two nights ahead. HOSTILITIES DETECTED. MALEVOLENCE PROTOCOL ENGAGED. A radiant beam disintegrated two duergar and felled Olpha before the dragon clawed up the exit shaft, pushing off towards Ten Towns.
36 #battle #ADuergarPlot Picking themselves up, our heroes pushed back as three duergar hammerer units made their way from the far side of the forge. Olpha polymorphed a duergar into a chicken atop one guard tower, inspiring her comrades up top to fight back. The front lines of the quaggoths began to fall under the pressure on the main floor. Alit by Tetro's shooting star, a bloodied Xardorok's eye stumbled as Crank shoved a sussur branch into his eye. It shattered, as eye puss trickled down, and he began to cackle. Enlarging himself in an agonizing shout, chardalyn growths rapidly spurted from his flesh. Xardorok, subject to the sussur branch's influence, had little control over what happened next. Pillars of earth randomly erupted. Gadget and Ulkin were pinned to the ceiling, some 30 feet high, and Azgul dodged away from a tower of the black earth as he was shut out from the guard tower. The numbers soon turned on Sunblight, however, and he died in rapture, as Azgul's spectral servant severed the last chords binding his soul to his flesh.
35 #battle #ADuergarPlot While others probed the bedchambers, Oona glared warily at a set of armors in the training quarters near the east elevator. The armors looked alive. Tetro lit the room with faerie fire, catching several aglow. They were indeed alive, but left alone they stayed inert. In the meantime, the elevator descended, and on it was a witless duergar who fell to the party. Looking up and down the elevator shaft, as well as out through the arrow slit windows, the party suddenly froze as the clanking of chains began on the floor overhead. The top level's ice gate was open. What then sounded like a freight train of glass and iron roared through the central shaft of Sunblight Fortress, descending into the forge level below. There was no doubt in their minds. This was the dragon. With the elevator taking off, the group committed to descend.
35 #battle #TheDevilYouKnow #TheSignal #ADuergarPlot Duergar hammerers with spring-loaded reactions awaited the party at the elevator's base. The party battled through, knowing the forge was certainly near. Busting in the next room in a rage, Oona spotted a vivisected mind flayer chained to a tall statue. She demolished its brain, causing Tetro to reel as his telepathic link flashed memories of the mind flayer's tormentor: a grinning duergar priest named Klondorn with ruby red eyes. Calming down, the party noted that they were in a temple. The statue was a depiction of Deep Duerra and the mutilated mind flayer appeared to be an offering. There were several doorways here, and behind soot smeared stained glass, they saw the glow of the forge. Using Jarnathan the familiar to explore, it became clear that they were being observed. As the rat crept under a back room doorway, it locked eyes with a red-eyed duergar priest in a miter hat.
35 #battle #TheDevilYouKnow #ADuergarPlot Tetro's firebolt seared a hole through the wood door, causing the priest to jump back. Collecting himself, he grabbed the burning remnants, flesh unharmed, and approached the party. Pleasantries were barely exchanged. Hostilities ensued. The priest doffed his miter, transforming into a barbed devil. After considerable punishment, Klondorn remarked that the will of Baator will prevail and vanished with a puff of smoke. The back room where he was lurking was filled with 92 stone tablets, whose text on touch rearranged into Infernal. Fern took a look. Each tablet was a prayer to Asmodeus.
35 #battle #ADuergarPlot Following a secret passage, Jarnathan the rat witnessed two duergar mind masters torturing a duergar woman tied to a table in a room filled with compellingly sharp implements. The rat was grabbed by a mind master and put on the victim's chest under a tin cup, which was then heated. Fern snapped the familiar into its pocket dimension, and the party charged the room, fighting the psionic duergar pair. The tortured woman was identified as an evil duergar captain. Oona massaged her neck and severed her spine.
35 #battle #ADuergarPlot Stealthing by patrols and staying away from the forge level's barracks, the party fought past two more hammerers before barricading themselves in Sunblight's treasure room. Outside they hear chatter from duergar patrols, one of which greets the Muzgardt princess. As Fern fuddled with the complicated vault locks, Gadget recalled the passphrases they found in Xardorok's chambers. And so the party looted the fortress.
34 #battle #ADuergarPlot The trapdoor led to an alcove behind Xardorok's Black Ice throne within Sunblight Fortress, sitting in a long, desolate great hall. Black dust and soot covered the upper walls as smoke hung below the tall ceilings. A set of high windows set in the brutal architecture hinted at two scenes outside the hall: the cavernous expanse of the Underdark to the west and the red bellows of a forge on the east. Two duergar entered from the west doorways at the rear staircases, leading to a scuffle that was eventually settled as a misunderstanding. These two were Olpha Muzgardt's men. They retold how a manic Xardorok had taken made preparations for Olpha to dine on the central Command Level of the fortress. The throne room was on an isolated side of the lowest level, the Forge Level, though direct access to the forge would require breaching a fortified portcullis from the outer yard. Instead, the duergar named Bruvo warily suggested they hurry to the elevators. He was worried because some of Xardorok's newer recruits were only a room away: quaggoths, low intelligence, hyper-violent humanoids from the Underdark which Xardorok was able to subjugate. The heroes took his advice, heading to the lift.
34 #battle #ADuergarPlot A duergar patrol was up ahead in the long corridor of the Command Level. As the party advanced, they saw one duergar begin to turn around. Tumbling into the privy, the party set up to ambush the soldier. As his patrol companion came to investigate, their cover was blown. The soldier ran down the corridor to call for reinforcements, dodging nearly every attack thrown at him. Thrown off by an illusion of his dead companion, the party managed to land an attack to put him down in the nick of time.
34 #battle #ADuergarPlot Entering the dining hall, Fern locked eyes with Olpha Muzgardt and one of her companions. They were dining with several other duergar. The companion, Ulkin, took note and Fern noted him slowly wrapping his fingers about his war hammer. He started making some loud, pointed statements, asking each of the Sunblight-aligned duergar in the room how their meals were, identifying the enemy for the party. A member of the kitchen staff walked out, dropping a tray with a clatter, upon which Ulkin swung at the dwarf across the table. The party rushed in and took care of the rest.
31 #battle #UnderdarkExpedition If crossing the ancient dwarven bridge wasn't foreboding enough, the large creature's shell in the middle of the pathways certainly proved ominous. Jarnathan the familiar nearly singed its whiskers off when scouting. The party decided to push through, calling out the magma whelk within the shell. As the foe delayed their transit, the sounds of battle stirred the cave walls. An exponentially growing number of stirges poured into the air. Crank, the first to cross the chasm into the cool crevasse on the other side, noted that the stirges did not pursue. He called for his companions to run. Felling the whelk, the party dashed to safety, and as they collapsed into the crack in the wall, the swarm of stirges descending on Aruk Thundercaller at the rear. Enveloped in a hundred stirges, Aruk beseeched the party to save his captive brother, the goliath Kapanuk Talltree. Aruk then fell from the bridge, lifelessly.
30 #battle #UnderdarkExpedition Forging their way deeper into the Underdark, the party ran into a cavern of ropers, ferocious stalagmites lookalikes with grasping tendrils. Chaos roiled as a Mev Flintknapper appeared screaming for them to watch out, as a shambling mound was on his tail. The party, after slogging through the rock skinned ropers, managed to overwhelm the shambling mound. Taking a short rest before continuing their expedition, they eventually found themselves at a precipice with a great bridge before them.
29 #battle #UnderdarkExpedition A voice pervaded into Fern's head. "Miss your son do you?" Something was watching them. Intimately. Unable to locate the source the party ventured forward. After a stumble, Azgul saw straight into the creature's eye. Feeling its rotting gaze burning his lifeforce away, he was able to recall what this twisted creature was. It was a nothic - a gollum of sorts, a mage or weavebender that went a bit to far and a bit too mad and turned into a one-eyed wretch. Battle ensued, as the caverns gave way to an old ruined city. The party defeated the nothic as well as several drow skeletons whose bones were awakened by the clamor.
28 #battle #TheVault Varrin found what he was looking for - a Cubic Gate. This was an extremely rare item, gifted from the elves to his dwarvish ancestors, it held portals up and down the Sword Coast from Amn to Ironmaster. Varrin was excited to promise a better future for the Valley's clans with these gates, allowing an influx of trade and opportunities to alleviate the ever-going winter. Eager to show it off, he opened a portal to Baldur's Gate, but a fierce and piercing cold instead ripped through the vault. Glacial blue ice spliced between the columns and metalwork. The party was thrusted halfway between planes, in an interstitial space between the Material Plane and the Plane of Ice. Gadget was a translucent figure yelling at the party to get back from a vault that appeared far away, but the remaining five were delayed by two looming rime hulks, primed for battle. As huge cubes of frost crashed to the ground, Azgul was pinned while the portals began to collapse. With a quick rescue by Oona and company, they made it safely back to the vault. It appeared, though, a few dwarves were missing. Azgul promptly intimidated the shaken Varrin to grant them another item for the mess they were dragged into, obtaining the group a Circlet of Blasting.
26 #battle #TheLostSpire Departing from Revel's End, the party set a course towards the Netherese Lost Spire that had been unearthed by Dzaan prior to his execution. Along the way, the party encountered a skirmish between chardalyn berserkers and a pair of Reghed Nomads from the Tribe of the Bear. The berserkers had lost their minds to chardalyn corruption. Azgul began feeling his stone's perturbing presence, as well, and though he was capable of parting with the stone, he nevertheless kept it. As the parties clashed, black ice javelins exploded with shatter magic. The two Reghedsmen died in battle while the final berserker vanished in a blue flame as he adjusted a sapphire blue ring on his finger.
26 #battle #TheLostSpire Crank swigged down a Potion of Cold Resistance and dropped below. There, the party fought a cornered ice salamander, an inhabitant of the Plane of Ice that had wormed its way into this realm due to the endless winter. As the battle came to a close, Tetro dispatched Krintaas who was barely hanging on. Very soon after a second battle started when remains of the forgotten tower's wizards manifested as sorrowsworn. Battered, the Gadget rescued a dying Fern while her homunculus Finn struck a killing blow to dispatch the shadow creature. Thus the party was able to step into the tower's rune chamber.
25 #battle #RevelsEnd Lights sputtered against black hallways as the siren blared in Revel's End. Gadget, Tetro, and Fern were caught in combat with a red slaad as prisoners and guards clashed against other threats. Vaelish Gant was seen looking for spellcasting reagents. Prisoner 13 was attacked by a red slaad and defended herself with her river tattoo. Azgul was lost in the fray. Oona and Crank awoke to chaos and soon found themselves fighting off another red slaad near the mess hall.
25 #battle #RevelsEnd Stolga Stone ran up the stairs and immediately attempted to shove the supposed warden off. She failed. The warden transformed, and the battle with the true grey slaad ensued on the rooftop of Revel's End. Tetro assumed constellation form to bolster the party, as Fern and Gadget laid into it with knife and fist.Oona, having come to her senses, hurled the slaad off the tower. It landed 140 ft below on the lower roof. Crank jumped down after, tossing a lightning javelin and slow-falling not a moment too soon. The rest of the party continued their assault from roof top and tower windows. The slaad, though, was able to take flight, and fireballed the roof. Dodging the blast, Oona opened her eyes to see Stolga Stone incinerated and falling to her death. But the slaad couldn't last. It died midair and fell once again, the resulting splash soaking Crank in slaadi guts and goo.
24 #battle #RevelsEnd Waiting to speak with the warden in the morning to get access to Vaelish Gant, the party retired for the evening. They woke up in the dark of morning to red lights and sirens. Lathander's Blessing had also weakened to 8 temporary hit points. A voice on the communication system directed guards to the northwest storage room where the "blue target" had been cornered. The kitchen staff and council members, including the retrieved Jarnathan, were told to quiet down by the party as they crept out of the mess hall and toward the guard room where their weapons had been cached. There was one guard in sight, slumped in the corner, missing the lower half of his body. As the party asked what happened, a second guard was flung into the doorway, neck snapped, and a red slaad appeared. The creatures claws caused eggs to fester under Gadget's skin, but Tetro and Azgul kept it at bay as Fern picked the lock on the chest where their armaments were stored.
24 #battle #RevelsEnd Making their way to the storehouse, the party met with Lieutenant Stone and fought the cornered blue slaad alongside the guards. It seems this slaad burst out of the hospital patient's chest last night, crawled in a vent, and rapidly grew. The guards reassured them that this was the only slaad detected. Slaads are chaotic abberrations from the Plane of Limbo, a rare sight in and of itself in Faerun. The warden knew that slaads took time to reproduce, but had begun emergency lockdown preparations anyway. The party, though, had just encountered a red slaad. The blue slaad's chaos phage was replicating much more quickly than normal. The lieutenant ran to alert the warden and ordered the party to lock themselves in their rooms. Tetro cleared out the chaos phage from Gadget, who was slightly questioning her decision to join the Heroes of the Crag.
24 #battle #RevelsEnd The conversation with Vaelish was cut short, as two red slaad and a green slaad attacked. The green used its magic to assault the party, after which it changed shape and entered the vents of the prison. Guards from the central command tower lent their firepower to take down the red slaads, but soon they stopped responding and messages over the intercom by the Warden, who was activating safety protocols, ceased and turned to static. As the battle ended, and Fern scratched at the eggs under her skin, it became apparent that several prisoners were dead with chests ripped open. Then the lights cut out, and all the cell and tower doors creaked open.
23 #battle A frigid battle was fought against three frost druids and an awakened tree. Fern was knocked out after repeated ice storms but was quickly healed by Tetro. As Crank chased a fleeing frost druid and a pack of conjured wolves held Oona, Azgul, and Gadget at bay, Fern returned to deal the killing blow. The party was victorious.
22 #battle #DarkDuchess The ice troll was a fierce opponent but no match for the party, who jumped into the hold in a blitz attack. It's cold aura left a few heroes licking their wounds, but its vulnerability to fire was quickly exploited to bring it down.
22 #battle #DarkDuchess The hold contained several longboats and a massive treasure hoard, frozen in laminated sheets of ice. While some picked away at this icy treasure, Crank busted down the door to the galley. A gang of kobolds had barricaded themselves inside, attempting to ward off the ice troll. Alarmed, they attacked Crank on instinct. This resulted in their deaths. The party managed to glean that the kobolds were present in service, or perhaps reverence, of the "big one." That big one was the ancient dragon Arveiturace.
22 #battle #AngajuksBell #WhaleHunters The day's blizzard kept most locals inside, but a cadre of Dalefolk were outside by a large barrel, pointing at the break in the ice near Anga's copper bell. They were the ruffian whalers that Tinjong warned the party about. The thugs told the locals they would hunt the whale. What the locals didn't know was that this band intended on poisoning the waters to do so, using the famed bell to lure their prize in. Hazel had no patience for these fools and their disrespect of the wilds. The party struck the barrel with a flame, intending to stop them. The barrel exploded and a skirmish ensued. The incensed thugs put up fight but met their end on the water's edge. The locals seemed to care more about the dead bodies than the scuffle, worried that the "tundra would take them." Concerned about undead rising, Oona, Crank, and Tetro not only buried the corpses, but dismembered them.
21 #battle #DarkDuchess Tremors were felt in the tundra as the party took a short rest for the sake of their sled dogs. Several chwinga were spotted atop a nearby snowy mound. On approach, the mound was discovered to be a mammoth corpse. Large claws had grappled it recently and sizable chunks of flesh were torn out by an even larger maw. The markings tracked with that of a dragon. The tremors they had felt increased in intensity until the ground surrounding the mammoth carcass caved in. An adolescent remorhaz reared its head, grabbing at the corpse to scavenge. The party attacked, and thus the beast retaliated. Eventually the remorhaz was slain, but only after it swallowed Oona and began to tunnel away. Thankfully, she cut herself out of its dead belly before its acids could burn her to the bone. Several hours later, the party arrived at the wreckage of the Dark Duchess.
20 #battle #BlackSwords With the prisoners now in the north west tower, the party now realized their hospitable lodgings were under lock and key. Both doors were barred from the outside, and at least one was guarded. Azgul and Fern combined an unseen servant and mage hand to lift the bar and distract the guard, but the shadow servant fumbled with the wooden barricade, causing it to clatter to the ground. The party held their breath, and the Black Swords guard blew his horn. As the keep came alive well past midnight, the party held back the cultists while rappelling the servants over the castle wall. Fleeing into a blanketing blizzard under a hail of arrows, all but one made it out alive. Elprekt Norbrav, the half-elf butler and husband to Mylbara Norbrav, was pierced through the heart. Oona scooped up Mylbara, who stood in shock, while Tetro shouldered what remained of Elprekt as they fled.
18 #battle #ChardalynCaper Aboard the Easthaven Ferry, as the party creaked onto the quiet ship sloshing in the icy waters, Tetro peered into the cabin and saw several bedrolls and the makings of a camp. He lit the area with Faerie Fire, revealing two Duergar warriors and a duergar mind master. The party exchanged blows as several more duergar, invisible up until this point, attacked them as well. With Oona felling their mind master leader, the party was able to subjugate the grey underdwarves, forcing the final two to surrender.
16 #battle #ToilAndTrouble The party followed the tracks of the four fisherman along a frozen river into one of four entrances into Lac Dinneshere's cliffside. They soon they came across a frozen waterfall about 10 feet in height. Hazel nimbly climbed up, peering into the darkness to see the frozen waters continuing but also a large stonecarved entrance to her right. She had the party follow, but the ice crumbled under Fern, leading to a battle with a dual headed water weird that broke free and attempted to drag members under.
16 #battle #ToilAndTrouble A frost giant skeleton had lain dormant until the remaining party entered the chamber. As it chipped out of the ice to tower over even Crank, Hazel began to flee northward while Azgul went south. The lugubrious giant smashed out of the ice and landed heavy blows on Oona before its bones were pulverized.
16 #battle #ToilAndTrouble When talk devolved into a blood price - either Easthaven's children or one of the party's own - battle ensued. The hags dropped their glamour, unveiling their true, horrid forms. The blue, crafted walls too were replaced by the filth of a cave home to monsters. And the feast of four swine turned out to be the four fishermen. Too bad Crank had a bowl earlier... perhaps worse that it tasted half-decent. As spells flew and metal clanged, Alice fell, followed by Maud who burst into a hundred severed hands. While cleaving through the crawling horde, the third hag, Anise, fled while invisible. She whispered her grudges in Azgul's ear before running past. In the end, the party successfully recovered the Cauldron of Plenty.
15 #battle #WhiteLadySeance #ToilAndTrouble Rinaldo's seance could have gone better, but I guess it could have gone worse. The spirit of the White Lady attacked the crowd, its wails literally aging one poor commoner by forty years. The party fought it off, after which it answered questions pertaining to happenings around the lake. She noted that a hag lived in the south eastern cliffs bordering Lac Dinneshere and that she had a magic cauldron capable of feeding an entire town. When asked about the treasure of the lake, she said the hag knows best. When asked about Dzaan, it seemed her knowledge outside the lake was minimal.
15 #battle #ToilAndTrouble Heading out the next day to find this hag, who seems to be preying on sailors, the party found a capsized fishing boat. The boat was named "Bunch o Knuckleheads" and was filled with empty booze bottles. Humanoid tracks headed away along a frozen river into a cliffside cave. Further up the cliff, the party saw other stone carved entrances. As the party investigated, four emaciated harpies and a confused axebeak attacked and were quickly dispatched.
14 #battle #TheMeadMustFlow Fern had the charmed Duhg lead her to the interior of the cave, where he had kept Good Mead's casks. Unfortunately, an ogre, affectionately nicknamed Friend by Duhg because the lunk never remember his own name, was asleep back there and soon became roused. This led to battle and a beast war between wild-shaped great ape Tetro and the cave bear Yogobor that Duhg kept as a pet. Hazel developed a signature attack, boosting off of Crank's mitts to crack the ogre dead. He dubbed it the Hazel Nutcracker.
14 #battle #TheMeadMustFlow At dusk the party left the caves with a rickety wagon loaded up with good mead casks. Soon, they ran into Duhg's woman, the verbeeg Gahg. While they avoided her at first, she returned with a vengeance, nearly killing Hazel before falling in battle to Azgul's witchbolt and Oona's axe. Gahg carried a basket of strange metal shards, seemingly scavenged as gift for her lover. The party members deduced this metal was completely foreign in nature and perhaps valuable.
12 #battle #ColdHeartedKiller Torg's warehouse thinned out later in the evening. When asked about his time on the ship, Sephek attested that those days were in his past life. When asked about the girl, Sephek praised the winter goddess, and spoke of his valiance in honoring her quarry. Battle ensued, and Sephek's true nature was exposed, as he dueled with sword and dagger of ice. He tested the strengths of Crank, Oona, Azgul, and Fern, but was hopelessly outmatched when Hazel and Tetro arrived as reinforcements. Moments before his total demise, Sephek called for Auril to witness him. Sephek slit his throat and his curdling scream began to intertwine into of a woman. In the cold Targos night, Azgul picked up Sephek's now inert longsword, noting its etched runes: Isolation, Cruelty, Endurance, and Preservation.
11 #battle After fleeing Auril at the Black Cabin, the party fought against a full strength Coldlight Walker and an initially camouflaged Ice Mephit.
11 #battle #LakeMonster The party fought the plesiosaurus from their rowboats as well as from nearby ice floes after Crank netted it. They were surprised when the beast spoke! It had been awakened by Ravisin to terrorize Ten Towns and convinced by her that if it failed to kill in reverence of the the Frostmaiden, then she would revoke its new-found intelligence. The party, with mixed-feelings, decided it was best to neutralize the murderous beast.
09 #battle #TheWhiteMoose A thick fog began to blanket the area, and sounds of a moose were heard in the distance. The party bunkered in the tomb for a quick rest, but then heard the pwah! noise of Chwinga. Slowly scouting the perimeter with Hazel keeping watching from atop the gnomon and Azgul stepping towards the southern forest, more voices began appearing: those of hunters in need for instance. Sensing a presence behind one of the tall elvish statues, Azgul Eldritch Blasted through it revealing a wendigo horror. The battle was one of light and shadow with the wendigo suddenly shifting between trees and behind bodies in the dimness of the fog as Tetro and Hazel lit up the grounds with spellfire and Fern cloaking herself in the occlusion of the twilight to strike. The party wrecked the distorted moose, which shriveled to its former form.
08 #battle #TheWhiteMoose Ravisin conjured a dozen wolves to attack the party. The party managed to fend for themselves while they broke the frost druid's concentration, dispelling the wolves. Ravisin wild shaped into an owl and attempted to flee, but was caught by ranged attacks and came crashing into the moon dial. Calling out to her dead sister Vurnis and beseeching Auril to witness her, she cast a maelstrom of ice onto the party and herself, ending her own life.
07 #battle #TheWhiteMoose Three banshees, spectral female elves, surprised the party in the thick of the misty woods. The less-than-corporeal banshee resisted the party's physical onslaught. Old Huntsman Clive fell first, a banshee's phantasmal grasp bringing blood to pool in his mouth. After repeatedly being afflicted by the banshees' wails, Fern collapsed and Oona all but fell, relying on her orcish ancestry to keep her afoot. The party was able to thwart them in the long run, dragging their battered selves further into the wood.
06 #battle #ABeautifulMine Several encounters unfolded in the gem mines, mostly against easily dispatched kobolds, but also against a set of grells that had preyed on weaker beings and caused significant tension in the mine. The party eventually encountered a well-spoken kobold leader with fake dragon wings named T-Rex, who was found out to have been possessed by the Ghost of Janth, a sage who had succumbed to exposure on the iceplains. The kobolds had been seeking refuge and a better life, though through a lot of skullduggery. The ghost wished to infiltrate society and, while rational, had less-than-good aspirations. The ghost was exorcised. The party, tired of shenanigans, told T-Rex and two surviving kobolds to take a hike.
05 #battle #MountainClimb In the darkness, they found a yeti and two smaller indistinct forms. The party took the opportunity to attack the beast and lure it out. In the following confusion, they realize a yeti tyke had been batting around Perilou, who exhausted but unharmed, in the corner and that they were fighting the mother. As the party and Garret dispatched the monstrosity, the father approached with a slewn goat. Putting the yetis to rest, the party decided to push for the mountain-top to look for Astrix.
05 #battle #MountainClimb Before they could lash up the dogs and leave, an avalanched swept through the hillside, ensnaring Garret Velryn. Soon after, a chill wind summoned three Cold Light Walkers, who the party and Perilou dispatched.
04 #battle #MountainClimb Three crag cats pounced on the party. Garret fought alongside them. These were big, mean kitties.
03 #battle #ArmoredCorps The party fought four Zhentarim thugs in a Bryn Shander alley. They got one to talk after they discovered a The Hooked Knucklehead tavern flyer on him with a note ...-.-.. on the back. It was a knocking passcode for the backdoor of the tavern, where the Zhentarim have been fencing stolen goods from the armory.
03 #battle #FrostedMugs Six goblins, a goblin boss, his pet hawk, and two wagon-laden polar bear were encountered. Two potions of animal friendship, a bone whistle, and 60 sp were found afterwards. The polar bears were set free by Tetro. The hawk was charmed by Crank and later sold to Hruna for 5 gp.
03 #battle Camping in a cave, Tetro was ambushed by two lesser snow golems on his watch. The party managed to defeat them when the hawk alerted them. Fire was super effective!
01 #battle The party encountered an ogre and baby owlbear. The ogre called out to the baby owlbear's mother who also attacked. The party defeated them all and departed as the baby's cries filled the silent air. The cries eventually triggered an avalanche.
01 #battle A blizzard picked up on the flatlands of Icewind Dale as the party closed in on Bryn Shander. Keeping an eye out for the warm fires of Bryn's towers, they instead spotted three spectral blue lights. On closer inspection and as they neared the city walls, they saw the lights belonged to cold light walkers, who attacked the group. The group narrowly escaped the icy grip of the cold light walkers, assisted by an armored polar bear who tackled their primary assailant.

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