Queen Bjornhild


Tiger Tribe Queen
Adult Human Woman

§ Interactions
42 #ReghedTribes #Oyaminartok Before burying Oya, Oona sought closure. See, the half-orc barbarian had been tossed into the Sea of Moving Ice as a child sacrifice by her birth mother, and the goliath werebear had rescued and raised her as her own cub. The last time Oona had seen her was at the mere buddings of adolescence, when Oya pushed her back into the human world of houses and trade before heading off into the white of the tundra alone. With the aid of their necromancing companion, Oona communed with her adoptive parent, learning of her ambush by berserkers, her impalement and struggle to the black ice, and the eventual oblivion that overtook her senses. Oya proudly told her cub to live strongly and fiercely. In the afterlife, she said, they would spar once again - but this time for real, and one on one. With tear-filled eyes, a resolute Oona covered her mother in the snows, and after a moment, broke the silence in proclamation. She denounced the name of her mother by birth, Bjornhild Solvigsdottir, queen of the Tiger Tribe. Oyaminartok was her one and only kin. And all knew that was the truth.
27 #ReghedTribes Bear King Gunvald relayed information about the tribal relations. The largest and strongest tribe is the Tribe of the Elk led by the aging Jarund Elkheart, whose lone heir has died. They are the most domesticated tribe, frequenting Ten Towns. Next in strength is the Tribe of the Tiger, the most xenophobic and the most quick to violence. They're led by Queen Bjornhild, who believes herself to have Auril's blessing. The Tribe of the Bear is next in influence, having lost numbers to both the berserkers and to disputes with the Tigers. They're on good terms with the Elk, but do not venture into Ten Towns as often. Finally, there is the Tribe of the Wolf, less of a tribe and more of a motley crew, led by the psychotic Isarr Kronenstrom, a self-proclaimed Chosen of Malar.