Barbarian, Path of the Ancestral Guardian
Background: Outlander
§ | Interactions |
42 | #battle #ReghedTribes #Oyaminartok Onwards to Solstice Isle. Three sled teams head out towards Angajuk's Bell, the party's two sleds and that of Vellynne Harpell. Six hours into their journey, they were ambushed by grimacing husks of Tribe of the Elk warriors, all perverted by the influence of black ice. One carried a censer with a blue flame, and each laughed as their destroyed bodies endured seemingly forever. Worse, though, was the presence of Oyaminartok, a folklore beast of the tundra. Skewers of chardalyn jut out from her chest as she lunged at Oona. Fending off the goliath werebear, Oona saw not a beast, but someone she knew too well. Oya was her adoptive mother, who found and reared her when she was discarded as a child. Unable to reach the Oya she knew, our hero knew it was best to put her mother down. Soon after, the heroes snuffed out the chardalyn berserkers, quite literally, as when Gadget catapulted the blue flame censer into a tree, the battered bodies fell lifelessly. |
42 | #ReghedTribes #Oyaminartok Before burying Oya, Oona sought closure. See, the half-orc barbarian had been tossed into the Sea of Moving Ice as a child sacrifice by her birth mother, and the goliath werebear had rescued and raised her as her own cub. The last time Oona had seen her was at the mere buddings of adolescence, when Oya pushed her back into the human world of houses and trade before heading off into the white of the tundra alone. With the aid of their necromancing companion, Oona communed with her adoptive parent, learning of her ambush by berserkers, her impalement and struggle to the black ice, and the eventual oblivion that overtook her senses. Oya proudly told her cub to live strongly and fiercely. In the afterlife, she said, they would spar once again - but this time for real, and one on one. With tear-filled eyes, a resolute Oona covered her mother in the snows, and after a moment, broke the silence in proclamation. She denounced the name of her mother by birth, Bjornhild Solvigsdottir, queen of the Tiger Tribe. Oyaminartok was her one and only kin. And all knew that was the truth. |
41 | #battle #Kulduhar Tetro found a steep slide of a passageway into the depths of the caverns, while Fern investigated an illusory wall hiding a descending staircase. The shelled tortle hurtled down the slide with a push from Crank. Fern focused through Jarnathan the rat to head down the stairs. Oona and Gadget were the first to respond as the vine blights re-emerged, both in the current room and in the depths below where Tetro stood surrounded. It turned out that the blue crystals were regenerating the monsters. Adding to the dangers, stalactites and icicles masked the presence of piercers, or roper offspring, which dropped from the ceilings. When the fighting ceased and the party reconvened below, a half-eaten frozen explorer was looted to find a rope of climbing. |
40 | #Kulduhar Oona and Tetro noticed a strange druid eavesdropping at the fringe of the counsel chambers. He startled at the discussion of the Eternal Winter, and bolted into the courtyards, muttering to himself. Following him, they met Keeper, which was more of a title than name for he was the one who tended to the Shrine of the Heartstone Gem. He insisted that something was amiss with the Greak Oak, but that, well, he needed evidence. He seemed to be wary of trusting the counselors and wished the heroes to meet him at the shrine to help investigate. |
40 | #Kulduhar The party spent some time around Kuldahar. Crank spent some time at the Root Cellar, a tavern in a defunct airship at the edge, where Eirys thanked the party for their efforts in bringing the Ten Towners into the haven. Azgul and Gadget checked out the laboratory of a gnomish herbalist, Oswald Fiddlebender, whose had a decent stock of potions which they picked through. Fern, Oona, and Tetro went to a wizard's tower, where a masked half-orc mage named Orrick offered to sell them some of his old belongings. When Tetro spotted a Belt of Dwarvenkind, he had to have it, 3000 gold cost be damned. |
39 | #TheChosen The singers moved up the northern streets of Bryn Shander, away from the main crowds of the market. Fern and Crank quickly and quietly worked through the crowd, the rest of the party in tow, to catch up with Vurnis. They found her brushing snow off a child's face, near a small family's shrine to Auril. At first they beat around the bush, but then Oona had enough. "Aren't you dead!?" It seemed that Vurnis believes that some things are miracles. "Those of us who believe, persevere. I hear there are many stranded here in the cold of winter, some wishing to journey to the mountains for Kuldahar. Indeed, they are suffering as they are. It is a cruel world. Remember to endure." Gadget remembered stories the parties told of their first encounter with the dead Vurnis: how she was laid nude and surrounded by runestones on a dais by her sister Ravisin, how her throat had been slit in what was believed to be suicide, and how in their encounter with Sephek Kaltro the possessed sailor also slit his throat yelling in a mixed voice "Witness me!" before turning into slush. Vurnis was a midwinter child, but here she was swaddled in scarf and robe. Whatever this woman before them was, she was certainly alive in service of Auril. Still, in the busy street of a wounded city, without a good idea of her plans, the party had little choice but to let her walk away. Vurnis assured them they would meet again. |
39 | #FeastOfTheMoon Back in Bryn Shander's town center, Duvessa Shane thanked the party and handed them a key. The Hooked Knucklehead tavern was theirs. She noted that a, uh, ugly friend of theirs was waiting for them. Their friend, of course, was T-Rex. Meeting them with a stupid grin, he had been busy cleaning the inn and chasing away miscreants, like a teddy bear man. The party settled in, and over the next few days Fern went shopping for supplies, Oona called in favors to get their dogs brought from Termalaine, and Crank reunited with Sparks. Tetro, experiencing his first home outside his shell, recalled rather entrepreneurially that Nimsy Huddle may have promised them the dilapidated Ramshackle Inn as well. |
39 | #TheRimeoftheFrostmaiden #Kulduhar Azgul, accompanied by Oona and Fern, sought out Vellynne Harpell. The necromancer was seen packing her sled with the help of a zombie Bartaban. She was heading to the tundra to investigate a nagging thought. Something felt wrong with the Weave, she admitted. The cold was colder and the Dawn did not stir in her magical equipment as it should. The party recognized a similar passing, as their Boon of Lathander had diminished with time. In a previous travel, she and Azgul II, who had since turned into black ooze, encountered a frost salamander. Such a creature was native to the Plane of Ice, not of the Prime Material Plane. The party too had fought one of these, back in the Lost Spire. They had also been thrown briefly into the Plane of Ice itself, when Varrin Axebreaker attempted to use a Cubic Gate. When asked about Kuldahar, Vellynne encouraged them to go. The Great Oak was known to be a wellspring of divination magic. Perhaps its druids could see what was wrong with the Weave in Icewind Dale. Sharing now between them that the Reghed Glacier held the entrance to Ythryn, she revealed that the key to crack the rimed waterfall, whatever that key exactly was, was likely held on Solstice Isle. Vellynne would like to band together to head to retrieve this key. |
38 | #DestructionsLight DISENGAGE FROM HOSTILITIES. RESUME PROTOCOL. The Chardalyn Dragon broke free of Vellynne's cast of Bigby's Hand as it was pelted by lightning, fist, and steel. Oona vaulted onto the beast, chinks of chardalyn cracking off as she mounted its back. Having sustained considerable damage, the dragon took flight nearly a hundred feet in the air, unleashing its radiant breath beam. Oona held on, sinking her axe twice into the wing joint. On the second blow the metallic joint gave, causing the dragon and barbarian alike to plummet down into a ruined Easthaven. |
38 | #DestructionsLight ENGAGEMENT CONTINUED. MALEVOLENCE CONSIDERED. Exhausted but unrelenting, our heroes continued their assault on the dragon. The dragon released its stored spell energy, recasting Shatter on Tetro who was aiding an unconscious Oona. The tortle fell beside her. Its wing and tail ripped across Crank's chest, tossing him aside as well. Azgul ran to the battlefield, past dying villagers, and fired blasts of force at the behemoth. RESUME PROTOCOL. Once again, the dragon took flight. Before it could get far, Fern and her cunning mage hand loaded and shot a ballista through the damaged wing, grounding it once again. |
37 | #DestructionsLight They had few hours, enough for a short rest. But more importantly, they needed to prepare. The skies had cleared, and so Tetro cast Skywrite notifying all towns of the imminent attack. Panicked townsfolk were rushing to shelters. A wounded man and his animals were aided by Oona's strength. Fern helped a child look for his mother as a crowd crush was broken up by guards in the market alleys. Gadget and Crank sought the militia armorers, demanding iron nets for the ballistae. Azgul found a harried Speaker Waylen, and after getting the lay of the town's defensive capabilities, he forced the Speaker to take cover with trusted men. Azgul then sought out Captain Imdra Arlaggath at the town's southern watchtowers. |
37 | #DestructionsLight #TheDevilYouKnow Azgul, Oona, and Crank started making their way towards Imdra Arlaggath, while the remaining party tended to preparations near the East Way. A cloaked figure was tending to her sled. Upon recognition, the party stopped abruptly. That was Vellynne Harpell. A shrewd Vellynne queried Azgul, wondering whether he was going to turn into a black ooze like the illusion who had been accompanying her for the last week. Crank took out the sample from the Lost Spire and Vellynne nodded in confirmation. Yes, that ooze. With the pressure of the dragon on everyone's minds, the wizened wizard acquiesced to lend them a hand, noting that despite the warlock's mysterious plans, they all had commanded several acts of heroics. She kept her one good eye on the half-orc warlock, nonetheless. |
37 | #battle #DestructionsLight With cries for arms, the tumult turned to terror, as cries of battle rang out. Oona, Crank, and Azgul rushed to the watch tower, only to see a knifed Imdra Arlaggath fall from the tower. Across the city, the duergar assault had begun. By the time our heroes felled the fire lance wielding duergar xarrorn, Captain Arlaggath had died. With the dust of the ground battle settling in their vicinity, shouts of fear arose. The Chardalyn Dragon was approaching and fast. Fern and Gadget prepared a ballista for a clean shot, entrusting the stalwart Tetro to its aim as the pair ran for cover. Soon, the skies flashed alight, dragon's breath rending the southeastern expanse of Easthaven in a radiant beam. Ballista shots pierced the dragon's armor but did not pin the behemoth to the ground. It took off for the eastern districts, toppling a structure in the distance. |
36 | #ADuergarPlot The forge level barracks had to be dealt with, decided Crank. Back by Oona and the others, they waltzed in and flashed the Muzgardt symbol. It took some persuasion but quickly duergar were taking arms against duergar in a battle royale. Gadget dispatched several with a thunderwave, whose blast brought the attention of the duergar on the guard towers. Mopping up the remnants, the party had added a cadre of bruised but determined Muzgardt soldiers to their ranks. While regrouping, Crank crept down a tower walkway, taking in the full view of the dragon heart forge from which pools of molten chardalyn flowed. Present below were two armed guard towers, a cabal of quaggoths, and Xardorok Sunblight, standing near his gargantuan obsession, the Chardalyn Dragon. Xardorok's eye met Crank's as the monk stepped back to inform the party to get ready. |
36 | #battle #ADuergarPlot #DestructionsLight Our heroes stormed Home | Calendar | Characters | ❮ 36 · Chronicles · 38 ❯ | Loot | Quests | XPthe forge through every possible avenue. Crank jumped into the pit and rushed for Xardorok Sunblight, Azgul and Tetro fired spells from the cleared guard towers, Fern masked their casters with darkness, Gadget led the vanguard of Muzgardt duergar, and Oona flanked the quaggoth warriors through the Temple of Deep Duerra. An enemy forewoman rushed to the Chardalyn Dragon's iron service platform but was enwebbed and died in flames. Xardorok, briefly stunned by the bugbear monk, went invisible and began monologuing to the interloping heroes about his imminent victory. As the party lost sight of him, they cut through several more quaggoth until they heard the click of a lever. Through the hiss of steam, the dragon spoke NEW DATE. TONIGHT IS THE FEAST OF THE MOON. PREPARING SYSTEMS FOR ANNIHILATION. Xardorok had reset his dragon to attack this evening, though the true Feast of the Moon lie two nights ahead. HOSTILITIES DETECTED. MALEVOLENCE PROTOCOL ENGAGED. A radiant beam disintegrated two duergar and felled Olpha before the dragon clawed up the exit shaft, pushing off towards Ten Towns. |
35 | #battle #ADuergarPlot While others probed the bedchambers, Oona glared warily at a set of armors in the training quarters near the east elevator. The armors looked alive. Tetro lit the room with faerie fire, catching several aglow. They were indeed alive, but left alone they stayed inert. In the meantime, the elevator descended, and on it was a witless duergar who fell to the party. Looking up and down the elevator shaft, as well as out through the arrow slit windows, the party suddenly froze as the clanking of chains began on the floor overhead. The top level's ice gate was open. What then sounded like a freight train of glass and iron roared through the central shaft of Sunblight Fortress, descending into the forge level below. There was no doubt in their minds. This was the dragon. With the elevator taking off, the group committed to descend. |
35 | #ADuergarPlot The chardalyn smoke was taking its toll on the party, Oona and Fern felt paranoid from chardalyn corruption. To prevent further setbacks, the party decided to imbibe Muzgardt's quieting angel brew, leaving Oona retching from the noxious ingredients. |
35 | #battle #TheDevilYouKnow #TheSignal #ADuergarPlot Duergar hammerers with spring-loaded reactions awaited the party at the elevator's base. The party battled through, knowing the forge was certainly near. Busting in the next room in a rage, Oona spotted a vivisected mind flayer chained to a tall statue. She demolished its brain, causing Tetro to reel as his telepathic link flashed memories of the mind flayer's tormentor: a grinning duergar priest named Klondorn with ruby red eyes. Calming down, the party noted that they were in a temple. The statue was a depiction of Deep Duerra and the mutilated mind flayer appeared to be an offering. There were several doorways here, and behind soot smeared stained glass, they saw the glow of the forge. Using Jarnathan the familiar to explore, it became clear that they were being observed. As the rat crept under a back room doorway, it locked eyes with a red-eyed duergar priest in a miter hat. |
35 | #ADuergarPlot The duergar temple otherwise housed several storerooms with common sundries and weaponry. Notably though, a goliath's axe and scrimshawed horn were among the possessions, possibly those of the captive goliath Kapanuk Talltree. Oona picked both up. |
35 | #battle #ADuergarPlot Following a secret passage, Jarnathan the rat witnessed two duergar mind masters torturing a duergar woman tied to a table in a room filled with compellingly sharp implements. The rat was grabbed by a mind master and put on the victim's chest under a tin cup, which was then heated. Fern snapped the familiar into its pocket dimension, and the party charged the room, fighting the psionic duergar pair. The tortured woman was identified as an evil duergar captain. Oona massaged her neck and severed her spine. |
32 | #UnderdarkExpedition The party neared the duergar mining colony, whose lamp lights were seen a mile down in the cavernous valley's floor. Sensei worried that their own presence would be met with possible hostility, since some duergar were known for prizing myconid flesh. Therefore the party took efforts to conceal themselves. They told Sensei to play dead, as they carted them in through the town's outer guardpost, claiming they had myconid for sale. Tetro took the form of a mule, and Fern decided to conceal her tiefling self, though tucking the tail proved troublesome. She applied some grey tint to Gadget so that she may appear to be a deep gnome. The half-orcs, Oona and Azgul, along with the bugbear Crank felt their presence was fine, given that the town below was reputedly frequented by other Underdark dwellers for trade. |
32 | #UnderdarkExpedition Weariness began to set in. The party had been adventuring for nearly a full 24 hours. They found a roadside duergar bar, where several anxious miners tried their best to ignore them. Oona clapped one on the back and massaged the tired worker, but was taken aback when chardalyn fragments flaked off their skin. The party discovered that the mines were once brimming with the black ice, before the duergar sought out purer sources on the surface. While the dwarves were somewhat more tolerant of its corrupting effects, the party began to sense its malignant presence in the area. Azgul toyed with the stone in his pocket, his grip tightening. These duergar were downtrodden, but eventually one directed them to an inn of sorts. |
32 | #UnderdarkExpedition The party managed to rest while staking out the Muzgardt tent. They counted five guards and, as the curtained door fluttered, a duergar woman inside. The guards wore different regalia than the Sunblight. Chancing a meeting, Fern and Oona went to the tent, asserting to her guard that they had an appointment to discuss fungus trade with the brewer princess. While the guard let them in, the duergar princess - who turned out to be nearly 300 years old - saw through them quickly, wondering why the tiefling was poorly attempting to hide her tail. She conjured tea leaves and asked them to sit. Discussion led to understanding: Olpha Muzgardt saw Xardorok Sunblight as a threat. Hovering near the women was a toy chardalyn dragon made in Xardorok's forge, which pulsed with the magic of a red dragon's heart. It was a gift of courtship she said. But she saw through Xardorok. He fervently attested to his connection to Deep Duerra, though chardalyn deranged his every thought. Not only was he a foolish warmonger, he was a threat to the Underdark. Xardorok was bent on conquering the Northdark in its entirety and all the lands that lie above. |
32 | #UnderdarkExpedition Oona couldn't help but feel sorry for T-Rex, despite Crank and Azgul pleading with her to leave the issue. Fern had to chime in that an indentured servant at their newly deeded inn in Bryn Shander might not be a bad thing. And so it went that the party took T-Rex into their fold, for the meager cost of 50 gp. |
30 | #UnderdarkExpedition Standing before a Sussur Tree emerging from a petrified Phaerimm, the party decided to harvest some of its leaves to take advantage of its antimagical aura. Azgul advised caution, as the elven scriptures surrounding the site both heralded the creature and served as a warning of its calamitous power. Oona, Crank, and Fern each managed to walk away with a piece of its foliage, but only after reckoning with the perturbations of the entombed monster. Neither decidedly alive nor dead, whatever seals which held this phaerimm showed the slightest of cracks, spurring Crank into madness, driving him to attack Tetro until Gadget deduced that even slumbering fossils could concentrate on their magicks. |
29 | #TheRimeoftheFrostmaiden On the third day, Crank was taking inventory and noted that of their two diamonds they created in the Lost Spire, only one remained. The other had moldered into a black ooze. Piecing together that their illusory items may be fraying, the party looked things over. Fern's studded leather seemed intact. Sparks was okay, tail wagging happily. Oona's great axe couldn't be found, though. Worried that their diamond may disintegrate, the party paid Copper a visit. The gnome, assessing the gem, believes he could repair the Summer Star, consecrating the chardalyn core and providing at least another charge. He would need a tenday. Thus, it should be ready when the party returned from Sunblight Fortress. |
29 | #UnderdarkExpedition Walking through the drow ruins, they took note that this city had long since been abandoned. Its structures were bereft of treasure, and were instead blossoming purple foliage and growth. A soft blue light in the city square grabbed their attention. Approaching, all but Oona and Crank felt amiss - half calm and half mute. They arrived to see a large sussur tree, blue petals glimmering and dispelling the surrounding weave, silencing all magic. It was growing out of a corpse, the body of an ancient phaerimm. |
28 | #battle #TheVault Varrin found what he was looking for - a Cubic Gate. This was an extremely rare item, gifted from the elves to his dwarvish ancestors, it held portals up and down the Sword Coast from Amn to Ironmaster. Varrin was excited to promise a better future for the Valley's clans with these gates, allowing an influx of trade and opportunities to alleviate the ever-going winter. Eager to show it off, he opened a portal to Baldur's Gate, but a fierce and piercing cold instead ripped through the vault. Glacial blue ice spliced between the columns and metalwork. The party was thrusted halfway between planes, in an interstitial space between the Material Plane and the Plane of Ice. Gadget was a translucent figure yelling at the party to get back from a vault that appeared far away, but the remaining five were delayed by two looming rime hulks, primed for battle. As huge cubes of frost crashed to the ground, Azgul was pinned while the portals began to collapse. With a quick rescue by Oona and company, they made it safely back to the vault. It appeared, though, a few dwarves were missing. Azgul promptly intimidated the shaken Varrin to grant them another item for the mess they were dragged into, obtaining the group a Circlet of Blasting. |
28 | #TheCouncil The Council of Speakers, chaired by Duvessa Shane, then began discussion of Kadroth's authority. It seemed that Speaker Crannoc Siever had willingly passed his authority to his newly appointed hand, Kadroth. Here, the party balked. Fuck that guy! Oona had none of that. Even Tetro sneered a turtling sneer at the impish tiefling cult leader. The council was moved after hearing accounts from the party, which Easthaven's Danneth Waylen corroborated. Despite Crannoc selling out his men, though, Kadroth did seem to be the local authority. The matter was tabled momentarily, as talks of the duergar arose. |
27 | #TheLostSpire Oona immediately wanted a greataxe. The machine whirred and weave energy coursed across the runes, slightly arcing, but nevertheless the greataxe formed. But, what about a diamond? Two were made. The first arcing, while the latter had minimal sparks. Crank began to mention the possibilities: why not a whole chest of treasure? |
27 | #ReghedTribes They found the Tribe of the Bear, led by Bear King Gunvald and his chieftain Halldor Bonebreaker. Oona greeted them customarily and delivered news of their fallen warriors Torsten Elkspeaker and Halfdan Unspoken, offering their pelts. The tribe welcomed the wanderers to camp alongside them, though they would leave the next day to seek fish near the Sea of Moving Ice. |
27 | #ReghedTribes #Prisoner13 Their shaman, Ulkora Weavebender, was able to replicate the lock-breaker tattoo for Fern for a modest trade of 60 gp alongside sea hag blood. Oona, intrigued by the Bear Tribe's tattoos, asked to receive the markings. It would cost an outsider, said Ulkora, but after finding 500 gp of trade, alongside some mayonnaise from Gadget's alchemy jug to fatten the deal, Oona sat down to receive the Bear's Eldritch Claw. Ulkora removed her bear mask, revealing the glowing, ruddy face of a middle aged Reghedswoman, and set to work. |
27 | #ReghedTribes After her inking, Oona recalled that she recognized the shaman. She had dreamt of Ulkora Weavebender and recalled it as so: "You are the shaman of the Bear Tribe. The Bear King’s third wife has come to you for help with her morning sickness. You brew her the same concoction you brewed for the last two wives, to make her and her child waste away. Perhaps the King will recognize your love for him now and take you to wife. The snow beneath your feet vibrates, each crystal forming a note of a discordant voice. It says, This is the virtue of Cruelty." |
27 | #ReghedTribes Oona's horror sank in. She spoke again with Bear King Gunvald, frantic but earnest, relaying her vision. The Bear King listened, stifling a mixture of emotions, and sternly thanked Oona, before telling her to leave his presence. As the Tribe of the Bear started their preparations to cross the tundra, the party plotted their own course. They would head to the Dwarven Valley to open the Axebreaker Vault. |
26 | #TheLostSpire Traveling within the inverted Lost Spire, the party took note that many items and books had been recently removed. Picking through the remnants, they read through accounts of the magic-hungry creatures called the Phaerimm, histories of Netheril before Karsus's Folly, and observations of extra-planar species in old wizarding laboratories. This tower once served as a place of learning. Standing piggyback atop Crank and then Oona's shoulders, Fern opened a chest on the inverted floor causing resistance potions to tumble down and later touched an altar of Mystryl, manifesting a divine elixir giving her the minor illusion cantrip. |
25 | #battle #RevelsEnd Lights sputtered against black hallways as the siren blared in Revel's End. Gadget, Tetro, and Fern were caught in combat with a red slaad as prisoners and guards clashed against other threats. Vaelish Gant was seen looking for spellcasting reagents. Prisoner 13 was attacked by a red slaad and defended herself with her river tattoo. Azgul was lost in the fray. Oona and Crank awoke to chaos and soon found themselves fighting off another red slaad near the mess hall. |
25 | #RevelsEnd On the roof, in the chill of heavy snowfall, a gray slaad was prowling. Gadget sent an attack right into the creature, whose image only twisted and sputtered. It was a powerful illusion, but for the moment only she could tell. Crank continued to attack, as the warden who he just sat down unhinged her jaw, a black cone of fear magic emanating from within. Enraged and frightened, Oona sprinted down the staircase, getting nicked by the warden's fingernails. The warden laughed at her own feeble human hands. |
25 | #RevelsEnd Simultaneously, Fern and Stolga Stone were ransacking the warden's office. Fern found the Wand of Binding in a hidden compartment of the warden's desk... and soon found the warden, dead and stuffed in a closet, heart ripped out. They bolted for the roof, almost colliding with Oona. |
25 | #battle #RevelsEnd Stolga Stone ran up the stairs and immediately attempted to shove the supposed warden off. She failed. The warden transformed, and the battle with the true grey slaad ensued on the rooftop of Revel's End. Tetro assumed constellation form to bolster the party, as Fern and Gadget laid into it with knife and fist.Oona, having come to her senses, hurled the slaad off the tower. It landed 140 ft below on the lower roof. Crank jumped down after, tossing a lightning javelin and slow-falling not a moment too soon. The rest of the party continued their assault from roof top and tower windows. The slaad, though, was able to take flight, and fireballed the roof. Dodging the blast, Oona opened her eyes to see Stolga Stone incinerated and falling to her death. But the slaad couldn't last. It died midair and fell once again, the resulting splash soaking Crank in slaadi guts and goo. |
24 | #RevelsEnd Azgul, Fern, Tetro, and Gadget waited in the mess hall while Oona and Crank took a nap in the guest rooms. Tetro befriended some of the kitchen staff, while Gadget took a look at the Dwarven artificing used to heat Revel's End to a balmy temperature. One guard was muttering about stomach pains when the half-orc Lieutenant Stone arrived to bring the party to Warden Marthannis. |
23 | #AngajuksBell A group of Reghed Nomads had returned to the village with a slaughtered reindeer. They returned just in time to watch Crank try to feed Angajuk a human foot. Tensions flared. After some explanation from Oona, the displeased Reghedsmen told the party to bury the dead with rites to the Maiden if they're worried they'll rise up... and perhaps reconsider dismembering corpses in the future. The Reghed hunters, whose main camp was apparently nearby, made it clear that the travelers should move on. |
23 | #battle A frigid battle was fought against three frost druids and an awakened tree. Fern was knocked out after repeated ice storms but was quickly healed by Tetro. As Crank chased a fleeing frost druid and a pack of conjured wolves held Oona, Azgul, and Gadget at bay, Fern returned to deal the killing blow. The party was victorious. |
22 | #DarkDuchess Arriving at the Dark Duchess, the party couldn't help but feel like they were being followed in the last hour of their journey. Nevertheless, the presence had not appeared and the icy, rimed shipwreck loomed before them. Exploration of the main deck revealed a collapsed hole in the center and freshly battered railings along the forecastle. A large creature was heard stumbling about the hold. It was identified to be an ice troll by Oona and Fern. Meanwhile, Tetro was spending time thawing the frozen door to the captain's quarters, and Azgul used his unseen servant to pry through the rear captain's windows, reaching his logbook. |
22 | #AngajuksBell Anga's hut lay quiet. The locals had left it alone in honor of the druid. Or was it a monk? The party heard mixed stories. The hut itself was coated in frost from seawater spray. An old wool blanket lay iced and rigid on a bed, and firewood still remain in the hearth, usable but wormed over. Above the hearth, Oona noted exactly three runes: glyphs marking the tenets of Isolation, Preservation, and Endurance. |
22 | #battle #AngajuksBell #WhaleHunters The day's blizzard kept most locals inside, but a cadre of Dalefolk were outside by a large barrel, pointing at the break in the ice near Anga's copper bell. They were the ruffian whalers that Tinjong warned the party about. The thugs told the locals they would hunt the whale. What the locals didn't know was that this band intended on poisoning the waters to do so, using the famed bell to lure their prize in. Hazel had no patience for these fools and their disrespect of the wilds. The party struck the barrel with a flame, intending to stop them. The barrel exploded and a skirmish ensued. The incensed thugs put up fight but met their end on the water's edge. The locals seemed to care more about the dead bodies than the scuffle, worried that the "tundra would take them." Concerned about undead rising, Oona, Crank, and Tetro not only buried the corpses, but dismembered them. |
21 | #ADuergarPlot After the battle, the party investigated Nildar Sunblight's Duergar Outpost. It seemed that Nildar had been experimenting with myconid spores, infecting Dalefolk in the hopes of creating a small army. A letter to his father, Xardorok Sunblight, beseeched his father to listen, dissuading the father from his chardalyn obsession. Nildar believed that his spore servants could be the path to victory, not the behemoth his father was constructing. Nildar even expressed some worry at the pervasive effects of chardalyn. That being said, the duergar was no stranger to cruel methods of war, as noted by his duergar screamer's painful, psionic mech suit. Oona and company tossed their storage area, as well as Nildar's chambers, recovering 70 sp and the missing items from Caer Konig. |
21 | #battle #DarkDuchess Tremors were felt in the tundra as the party took a short rest for the sake of their sled dogs. Several chwinga were spotted atop a nearby snowy mound. On approach, the mound was discovered to be a mammoth corpse. Large claws had grappled it recently and sizable chunks of flesh were torn out by an even larger maw. The markings tracked with that of a dragon. The tremors they had felt increased in intensity until the ground surrounding the mammoth carcass caved in. An adolescent remorhaz reared its head, grabbing at the corpse to scavenge. The party attacked, and thus the beast retaliated. Eventually the remorhaz was slain, but only after it swallowed Oona and began to tunnel away. Thankfully, she cut herself out of its dead belly before its acids could burn her to the bone. Several hours later, the party arrived at the wreckage of the Dark Duchess. |
20 | #battle #BlackSwords With the prisoners now in the north west tower, the party now realized their hospitable lodgings were under lock and key. Both doors were barred from the outside, and at least one was guarded. Azgul and Fern combined an unseen servant and mage hand to lift the bar and distract the guard, but the shadow servant fumbled with the wooden barricade, causing it to clatter to the ground. The party held their breath, and the Black Swords guard blew his horn. As the keep came alive well past midnight, the party held back the cultists while rappelling the servants over the castle wall. Fleeing into a blanketing blizzard under a hail of arrows, all but one made it out alive. Elprekt Norbrav, the half-elf butler and husband to Mylbara Norbrav, was pierced through the heart. Oona scooped up Mylbara, who stood in shock, while Tetro shouldered what remained of Elprekt as they fled. |
20 | #ADuergarPlot Disguising Crank and Azgul as handsome Underdark mercenaries, the party concocted a ruse. Tetro wild-shaped into a war horse hauling a sled full of "chardalyn." Under the wrapping, of course, were Hazel, Fern, and Oona poised to strike. The ruse gained them entry, but pressing the duergar flunky, who insisted Nildar Sunblight was busy in his lab, only arouse suspicious. Tetro charged hoof first into a duergar, sparking a brutal offensive as alarm bells went off. A dozen dead duergar and several splattered spore servants later, the party breathed a collective sigh of relief. Nildar Sunblight was dead. Now to see what he was plotting. |
19 | The party started in Easthaven, doing some shopping. Tetro had picked up an illuminator's tattoo from a pair of Reghed tribesmen he had ran into who thought him a spirit animal. At Peona's Potions, Oona and Fern each purchased two potions of healing, and Tetro bought a periapt of wound closure tucked away on a shelf. |
19 | #BlackSwords As Oona and Crank entertained the excitable dullard Thoob over one of Chef Karou Chorizo's 50 trout recipes, Fern and Azgul would make use of spare robes and disguises. Fern would pose as Mere and bring the speaker his dinner. Hazel preoccupied Mere in the kitchen, persuading her to leave the cult if she could find a place to go. Tetro was eyeing the chef's delectable knucklehead trout preparation. With a harsh yell from Thoob for Mere to bring the speaker his trout, the two Meres were about to collide. Some clever talk from Hazel stalled the inevitable. Fern, as Mere, took a plate of fish from the cook. Tetro took the real Mere's fish off her hands, offering to deliver it himself. He, of course, just ate it. |
19 | #BlackSwords Unsealing a marble slab that opened to the rear area of the cistern, Oona and Fern rowed down, seeing a final room. Meanwhile, Azgul caught a glimpse of metal in the water. His unseen servant pulled up a chain of bloated, but otherwise preserved corpses - the former guardsmen of Caer Dineval. As Oona entered the back room, which reeked of filth, a man jumped on her back attempting to grapple her. She tossed him off like a sack of potatoes and then looked at her surroundings. Five of the Caer's former servants were imprisoned here. She swore to free them and brought news to the party - loudly. The wizard Avarice surely overhead them. |
18 | #battle #ChardalynCaper Aboard the Easthaven Ferry, as the party creaked onto the quiet ship sloshing in the icy waters, Tetro peered into the cabin and saw several bedrolls and the makings of a camp. He lit the area with Faerie Fire, revealing two Duergar warriors and a duergar mind master. The party exchanged blows as several more duergar, invisible up until this point, attacked them as well. With Oona felling their mind master leader, the party was able to subjugate the grey underdwarves, forcing the final two to surrender. |
17 | #CauldronCaper At the Easthaven Town Hall, a large three story building with several guards and attendants that serves as both political offices and a community center for the city, the party split into two groups. Tetro, Hazel, and Oona chewed the chud with the town guards in the reception hall while watching the cauldron. Azgul, Crank, and Fern headed into the administrative office where a young, nervous clerk named Prudence waited on them. They asked to see Captain Imdra Arlaggath regarding the missing fishermen bounty. |
17 | #TheForgottenRealm #Prisoner237 That night the party took to some downtime at the White Lady Inn, Crank gambled, Oona armwreslted, and the crew chatted up the locals. Vellynne Harpell, who had been staying in Easthaven was present. She humored the party's questions regarding the Arcane Brotherhood, Chardalyn, and Netherese magics. In short, she was investigating the presence of a lost Netherese city and wanted to beat her colleagues to the find. She had one lead that she shared: A disgraced member of the Arcane Brotherhood and prisoner at Revel's End, the wizard named Vaelish Gant. Vellynne was willing to hire the party to extract information from Vaelish, given that she herself was not welcomed at the prison. |
16 | #battle #ToilAndTrouble A frost giant skeleton had lain dormant until the remaining party entered the chamber. As it chipped out of the ice to tower over even Crank, Hazel began to flee northward while Azgul went south. The lugubrious giant smashed out of the ice and landed heavy blows on Oona before its bones were pulverized. |
16 | #ToilAndTrouble The party met three women, quickly identified as a coven of hags, cooking four swine in a cauldron. The tallest one, Maud Chiselbone, addressed the party through cackling laughter. She invited to know what her guests wanted and what they would exchange. The other two, Alice and Anise cackled along. When asked about the White Lady's treasure, Maud grimaced. What would they give in return for knowledge of the hundreds of gold buried in Lac Dinneshere? Perhaps years off their life? Oona offered a massage. Azgul insisted his crowbar was magic. The hag was amused but soon the patience waned. The party had killed their doorman, the skeletal frost giant. The hags felt they must be compensated! |
15 | #TheMeadMustFlow As the party was preparing to leave town, a scuffle broke out at the Good Mead hall. Several thugs were running away, licking their wounds as Shandar Froth and his loggers hollered at them to get lost. Oona grappled a thug.Crank clotheslined another, picking him up with an arm for questioning. Crank recognized the Zhentarim flunky, and it was soon revealed that these thugs lost on purpose by the orders of Naerth Maxildannar to make Shandar look good. With onlookers watching the scene, Shandar was exposed. He admitted to the deception but said he did have the town's interest in heart and that, in truth, the Zhentarim had been blackmailing him to keep his past from catching up. He was a man wanted for murder in Mirabar. With Shandar outed, it seems Olivessa Untapoor will become speaker. |
15 | #DzaanIsDead Hanging in the back of the crowd, Oona, Crank, and Tetro minded their wallets. Crank did notice several black cloaked figures in the crowd with silver necklaces. He didn't recognize them. |
14 | #battle #TheMeadMustFlow At dusk the party left the caves with a rickety wagon loaded up with good mead casks. Soon, they ran into Duhg's woman, the verbeeg Gahg. While they avoided her at first, she returned with a vengeance, nearly killing Hazel before falling in battle to Azgul's witchbolt and Oona's axe. Gahg carried a basket of strange metal shards, seemingly scavenged as gift for her lover. The party members deduced this metal was completely foreign in nature and perhaps valuable. |
12 | #battle #ColdHeartedKiller Torg's warehouse thinned out later in the evening. When asked about his time on the ship, Sephek attested that those days were in his past life. When asked about the girl, Sephek praised the winter goddess, and spoke of his valiance in honoring her quarry. Battle ensued, and Sephek's true nature was exposed, as he dueled with sword and dagger of ice. He tested the strengths of Crank, Oona, Azgul, and Fern, but was hopelessly outmatched when Hazel and Tetro arrived as reinforcements. Moments before his total demise, Sephek called for Auril to witness him. Sephek slit his throat and his curdling scream began to intertwine into of a woman. In the cold Targos night, Azgul picked up Sephek's now inert longsword, noting its etched runes: Isolation, Cruelty, Endurance, and Preservation. |
11 | #TheRimeoftheFrostmaiden Auril demanded to see the Summer Star, whose magic she detected when its radiant burst fired. When the party resisted, she froze Crank and Oona and used the time to hone her detection of the magical item. She found it, teleporting besides Tetro and clutching the "useless trinket." Her frost began taking it over, the magical creaking and craftsmanship coming undone. With quick thinking the party set up a diversion, Fern using Jarnathan as bait, Azgul creating mirror images of himself about the Frostmaiden, and Tetro casting heat metal on the Summer Star before wild-shaping into a velociraptor and dashing into the woods. The party fled Auril, who looked through the remaining Azgul before teleporting onto the back of her Roc and flying away. |
10 | #TheGoldenDawn The Black Cabin was a dilapidated, abandoned structure on 20 foot stilts, creaking and groaning in the wind. A soft, thick snow had blanketed the area, removing all sight of tracks, but some lush vegetation and greenery appeared to be present in a close radius to the cabin. Tetro and Fern assessed the integrity of the building, finding some weak stairs and flooring, so Fern shattered a window and Hazel led the way, light-footed, to secure a rope and passage to the interior for Crank. In the meantime, Oona and Tetro looked through what seemed to be a workshop with smith and tinkerer's tools. Oona entered the main area by hacking through a wall. |
10 | #TheGoldenDawn The party, stunned by Tetro's demise, resolved to uncover the mysteries of the Black Cabin. Oona swept some turtle ash into a leather pouch as a remembrance. The party discovered blueprints of what is called a Summer Star, a reproduction of an ancient Netherese device to control the weather. The blueprints and runic scrawlings seemed to be the work of a madman obsessed with the Summer Star. They found a scroll sent to the sage by Copper. The scroll confirmed the man to be Macreadus, detailing his maddening obsession as well as Copper's opinion that the device required three of something for stability, not two. |
10 | #TheGoldenDawn As the party pieced together clues in the Black Cabin, strange occurrences occurred. Loud knocks, three in a row, would bang as characters interacted with the items of the house. Rugs and curtains would shift, tools would fall off tables, and Copper's letter, in the hands of Crank began to tug him in different directions, like a dowsing rod. A bottle of wine Fern found was nearly tugged from her grasp. Oona was fed up with this nonsense and smashed her axe into the cabin in a rage. Eventually, the party uncovered that they needed to forge a third ring, etch it with the appropriate runes, and reconstruct the Summer Star. With Crank smelting a new ring and Fern forging the runes under Azgul's guidance, they pieced it together. |
07 | #TheWhiteMoose Visiting The morning prior to heading out into the Lonelywood forests, the party stopped at The Happy Scrimshander, whose owner is the doughy spinster Iriskree Harrowhill. The shop sold scrimshaw tool kits, which Oona and Fern picked up for a 2g a piece. Iriskree mentioned that her last lover, dead now and having bequeathed her a nice sum, was hell bent on hunting the white moose, saying that he could speak to animals and that listening to the forest would guide his path. |
07 | #battle #TheWhiteMoose Three banshees, spectral female elves, surprised the party in the thick of the misty woods. The less-than-corporeal banshee resisted the party's physical onslaught. Old Huntsman Clive fell first, a banshee's phantasmal grasp bringing blood to pool in his mouth. After repeatedly being afflicted by the banshees' wails, Fern collapsed and Oona all but fell, relying on her orcish ancestry to keep her afoot. The party was able to thwart them in the long run, dragging their battered selves further into the wood. |
03 | #FrostedMugs Continuing their long rest, Fern fell asleep during her watch and was startled awake after a mysterious visitor stole a couple ingots, their boots growing in size as they fled. On the third watch Oona saw a chwinga! |
01 | #SpecialDelivery Oona and Crank have been working gigs for the Luskan Deliverers, a merchant and courier guild. The were tasked with delivering a small parcel - an unmarked, unhinged metal box - to a Ragammel in the town of Bryn Shander. The commissioner was reportedly an Arcane Brotherhood member named Maccath. |